Hello world!


And so it begins…..my new adventure of which I know NOTHING about: Blogging.  I love to try new things and challenge myself to things which intimidate me.  Enter, ‘MySoulBalm’.  A tinnie tiny little voice in my inner yogi subconscious has been whispering to me over the past few months that I should start a blog.  I have been resistant to it because I am actually quiet intimidated at the idea of letting of my real soul be heard.

If you don’t know me I am a hot yoga teacher at my studio, Hot Yoga Tallahassee, that I founded in September 2010.  So, presumably yoga teachers are supposed to be ‘open books’, full of insight and wisdom flowing constantly right? Well, yes..and no.  The hardest part of being a yoga teacher for me has actually been ‘finding my voice’ and allowing myself to be comfortable enough to speak from the heart. Yes, I STILL get nervous when a class is packed!  It takes confidence to possess the beautiful quality of speaking eloquently and effectively.  Ironically enough, Confidence has always been my worst enemy..turned into my best friend. Yoga did this.  I have had an incredible journey since the day I attended my first yoga class.  And this journey continues to lead me towards new revelations, accomplishments, and self realizations.  I think something wonderful has happened to me in 2010 and I haven’t quiet put my finger on it yet….but I have overcome some very long term battles with myself which I am sure will slowly reveal itself on this blog.

To be sure I was starting a blog for the right reason I came up with 3 purposes that motivated me:

1) For myself.  Yes, I said it.  And I’m not ashamed by this. I love dedicating my life to my students and being their listener, confidante, and therapist 🙂 But even a yoga teacher needs a little TLC time.  I decided this would be a great outlet for myself when I need a listener.

2) For you. There is nothing I absolutely love more than guiding other people towards their true happiness.  For most of us, being joyful is a struggle and takes constant work, myself included!  There have been teachers and role models along my path that have helped me remember things that are so simple, yet so easily forgotten.  If I can help at least one person have that “Ah-ha!” moment, then I am complete.

3)Personal Responsibility.  Something I have realized lately is that having something to hold yourself accountable to is VERY effective.  As you get to know me you will learn that I have always struggled with healthy eating habits.  It is only this year that I have become an enlightened eater.  However, I still struggle BIG time with passing up that sweet tea or those krinkle cut salt and vinegar chips.  Through this blog I hope to keep myself motivated by being an example of healthy eating.

Take from MySoulBalm what you will, and leave the rest if you wish.  It’s yours and mine to enjoy.  Let’s Find. That. Joy. ❤

About brittanilynn28

Lover of yoga, food, my dog, inspirational books, pointless books, red wine, dark beer, dark chocolate, anything involving the outdoors/beach/lake and much much more! I don't believe myself to be any different than the rest, but I am a proud devoted yoga teacher and have achieved my dream come true by creating this lovely, successful little place called Hot Yoga Tallahassee. Blogging is my newest, next adventure :) Peace, Love, & Yoga everyone!

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