Tag Archives: juice

Friday Fruit Juice


Boy was I GRUMPY PANTS today!  No reason in particular but I was not my normal self and that really bums me out.  As I was running errands I was dragging one foot after another and could not get any energy.  I can’t stand being like this!

I finally got home and decided to make myself a pick-me-upper.  Fresh juice is the BEST way to get natural energy into your body by loading up on vitamins and minerals.

While I generally try to juice mostly vegetables (keep in mind juicing too many fruits will load you up on sugar) I have a weakness for a fruity delicious juice in the middle of a hot day.  Being that I had my grumpy pants on today I decided I wanted a mason jar full of mouth watering green liquid to pick me out of my slump.

Makes two 12 oz mason jars of juice

I spy something…green.


2 Medium sized green pears

2 Handfuls of green grapes

1 Green apple (2 is pictured here but there was a lot of juice by the time I got to the apples and didn’t have room)

2 Sticks of celery

1 Large cucumber

I like to make enough so that my man can enjoy one too! Cut ingredients in half if you are juicing for one, or tightly seal up your 2nd mason jar in the fridge for you later on in the day (hint: juices are best consumed within 24 hours or less to retain vitamins).

Yummmmmmmy in my Tummmmmy.

Happy Juicing!

What is your favorite grumpy pants juice recipe???